Thursday, February 26, 2009
Latest Re-cap
Katie had her basketball banquet at Stars and Strikes on Sunday. She had a great time seeing the new friends she made playing this season. She also got the best offensive player award. She really came along way this season and is going to now play in a league that will play through the spring and summer. She also got her progress report this week and has all A's and 1 B. She is so proud of herself and her grades:)
I went to visit my parents on Sat. My mom was having a really good day. She was much more alert and was trying to participate in the conversation. They now have people coming to help them 2 or 3 days a week, which has been a great help for my dad.
While I was in Ellijay I was looking at the newspaper from my hometown. My parents still get the weekly paper and I always like to look at it when I am there to see if I see anyone I know. As I was looking at it I saw a headline that said James Morrison. Of course it caught my eye. I started reading it and realized it was about Mike's dad. He died 2 weeks ago. Mike and his dad have not spoken for 16 years and he had no idea his dad had died. It was the weirdest thing to read that in my hometown paper. Mike was very shocked, to say the least. But, I know it was a "God thing" for him to find out. It has really brought back some old things that he is finally dealing with. In fact, he is going to give his testimony at church Sunday, so say a little prayer for him. God is at work and God is good:)
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
What a Week!!
As if dealing with all that all week hasn't been enough, I found out today that because I am part-time I am way low man on the totem pole when it comes to a job next year. Cobb is making lots of cuts and part-time jobs might be one of them. My principal talked to all of us who are part-time today to make us aware of what is going on. We don't know anything for sure, but supposedly everything has to be decided on by mid-April. Please pray that all this will work out as God has planned. I've always wanted some time off from teaching, but I didn't really want to be forced into it!!
Hopefully after all this, things will begin to look up around here. I have 2 or maybe 3 tennis matches over the weekend, Katie is playing in her all-star basketball game tomorrow morning and Chris and Mike are going to see Notre Dame and Loyola (sp.?) play lacrosse tomorrow at McEachern High School.
Hope you all have a Happy Valentine's Day!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I've Been Tagged
ended up with. This is actually from Christmas 2006. Mike
is looking at one of his gifts and that is my Mom and Dad also
in the picture.
My friend tagged me...and I thought this would be fun.
So, here's what you do:
1. Go to your 4th folder where you store your photos.
2. Select the 4th photo (no exceptions).
3. Post the picture with an explanation.
4. Tag 4 people to do the same.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Wrestling Wrap-up
When we got home from wrestling on Sat. we discovered our heat was out on the main level of the house. We are building fires and using space heaters until the repair man comes on Wed. At least we are gone most of the day. We had our small group over last night for the Super Bowl. I love the time we get to spend together. We always have a great time of fun, food and fellowship.
I'm sitting here watching the men's final of the Australian Open. I know who wins, but I still want to watch the actual playing of these 2 great tennis players. One day I'm going to be as good as they are!! Ha!! Ha!! If I could only be 100th as good as them I might actually win a match occasionally. Last spring my ladies team made it to City Finals, which was very exciting for us all. But since that time, because we have had to move up a level, I feel like I have hardly won a match in ALTA, T2 or now in singles. I always play a close game, many times 3 sets and tie-breaks included, but just can't seem to put it away. I still love to play though and think it is great exercise. I can't wait to get back out with my ladies' team this spring. We have a great team that plays really well together and I must say you don't find that everywhere. Here are a couple of pictures from spring tennis at the City Finals.