Sunday, November 9, 2008


My family spent the weekend in Statesboro for GSU Homecoming. It was also an FCA/Fletcher Baptist Church reunion. No one else in my family was excited about going to this event. Mike doesn't have much love-loss for Statesboro and the kids kept complaining they wouldn't know anybody there. Too bad, we're all going anyway!! It turns out we all had a great time. Even though it has been 8 years or more since I've seen some of these people, the bond we shared makes it seem we've never been apart. It was great seeing old college and church friends from the past. It was a reminder of the times I had in FCA during college and the times at our church in Statesboro and how God used all of that to make me what I am today. It was awesome to see how we have all gone our separate ways and how God is using us all today in the places we are now. My college years were some of the best and I have memories I'll treasure forever.

It was also neat for my children to experience what I had during college. Especially as Chris nears college age, it was good for him to see how it important it is to stay plugged into Christian fellowship when you leave home. He went to the college Sunday School class this morning. When I asked him how it was he said it was really good. He said it was kind of odd because he knew the people who were there wanted to be there. They had nobody making them go to church. I pray he and Katie will be that way when they leave home. They will want to go to church even though noone is making them. I was also glad for them to see what I surrounded myself with during those days and how it is now part of who I am, all which ultimately impacts them. They had a great time meeting all the other kids and spending time with them. It was neat to see how they could bond just because of the friendship of their parents.

This weekend kind of makes me think this is little of what heaven might be like. The chance to reunite with all of our brothers and sisters in Christ we've known throughout the years. The chance to worship the One who made us one in His sight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad yall had a fun weekend!