We have been studying about gossip and watching what you say in our middle school girls' Sunday school class. We talk about how what we say is like a sword and can hurt the person we are talking about. We also talk about how much better it is to say things that edify and encourage others. It is amazing how much power words can have. As parents, teachers, coaches, etc. we can either help those we come in contact with or harm them. We have the opportunity to encourage those we work with and say words that will build them up. Or, we can say things that will be harmful and maybe even leave scars. I found that it is much better to say words of encouragement. A coach will usually get better results from his/her team if they encourage their players instead of being negative with them. Just this weekend, the opposing coach at Katie's basketball game got a technical foul for unsportsmanlike conduct because of the things he was yelling at his team. It was terrible. I hope that as a wife, mom, daughter, friend, and teacher I can put into practice using words of encouragement instead of words that harm. Let's all remember that our words count - for either good or bad.

Thank you for sharing that! I hope you are still teaching that class when Madi gets in middle school.
Yes!!! You are so right, Angi! I have been convicted by what we are trying to teach these precious girls! Thanks for driving to the concert last night. I heard the girls say, "I have never felt so free to worship. What an awesome night!" :)
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